Archive for the ‘史蹟名勝/Historic sites,Places of scenic beauty’ Category

福岡県柳川市/Yanagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture

水曜日, 5月 13th, 2015

みんな、しばらくぶりじゃの!元気にしておるか?我はといえば相変わらずなのじゃが、なかなか記事を更新できなくてすまないの>< 今回は先日、東京スカイツリータウンを訪れた際に福岡県柳川市のPRブースで柳川市の魅力をご担当者の方に紹介してもらったので、その見聞録をしたためることにしたぞ。

It’s been ages! How have you been?I am energetic as usual.But I apologize for my delay in reporting.This time I write it about Yanagawa City,Fukuoka Prefecture.Because when I went to Tokyo sky tree on business I got the person in charge to tell me about charms of the Yanagawa City.



Yanagawa is a city located at the southwest part of Fukuoka Prefecture.There are so long water supply and water for agriculture.The total length is about 930 km.So Yanagawa is called “the city of water”.You can go downstream in a japanese ship.”Seiromushi of eel” is a popular dish in Yanagawa.It is the dish made by steaming rice topped with grilled eel on chopped fried egg in a bamboo steamer.The 350000 sunflowers field and Scenic beauties・Tachibanashi Teien is one of the highlights.Hakushu Kitahara was a poet and an author of fairy story.He loved a Yanagawa’s street in the original Japanese landscape.There haven’t changed since 300 years before.So you can walk around with a map in Japan’s Edo era.




How was it?Yanagawa city is only a two-hour flight from Tokyo.There are huge expanses of the extraordinary in the city of water“Yanagawa”.Please come and see yourself.I will visit there soon too (for “Seiromushi of eel…” ).







上田城 The Ueda Castle

木曜日, 1月 1st, 2015






When I visited Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture last year,I happened to run into Yukimura Sanada who belongs to Shinshu-Omotenasi-Bushoutai.

He introduced the Ueda Castle on this movie.







Ueda Castle was built by Sanada Masayuki.

It was this castle that the Sanada defended twice from the Tokugawa, first in 1583 and again in 1600, putting up a very impressive defense both of those times.

The Tokugawa Army led a large force of 38,000, however, when they attacked Ueda Castle in which only 2,000 soldiers holed up, they were soundly defeated by Masayuki SANADA.






In spring,One Thousand Cherry Trees are out there as to fill the space the great castle of Sengoku.I want to visit to Hanami there and see Yukimura Sanada again.

And you shoud not point out my English on that movie.I leave it to your judgment.
