Posts Tagged ‘ミルクセーキ’

杉戸宿たまふわミルクセーキ/Sugitojuku Tamafuwa Milk Shake

木曜日, 12月 10th, 2015


1 year will pass since starting this blog.I looked after everyone.This year’s last article is about the “Sugitojuku Tamafuwa Milk Shake” from Saitama prefecture,Sugito town.Do you feel my report skills are getting better?No?oh…;;




This reproduced egg dish“Tamago Fuwafuwa” in a modern style.(It was served to Nikkoureitaishi and noble man when they came Sugitojuku.)And this became gold goma-coated Milk Shake with bubble-egg.


この商品のモチーフとなっている玉子ふわふわは、なんと日本最古のたまご料理といわれていて、茶碗蒸しの原型なのだとか…!当時は五街道や宿場町でたまふわブームが巻き起こっていたらしいぞ^^; しかしネーミングセンスもなかなかすごいの(笑)

“Tamago Fuwafuwa”  is the oldest egg dish in Japan.And it was the origin of Chawan-mushi.It was so popular in five kaido and shukuba city during the Edo period.I think its product naming is so nice…



You can get “Sugitojuku Tamafuwa Milk Shake” at Aguri park Yume Sugito for Saturday, Sunday, and National holiday.When you come there please try it!


