
3月 5th, 2016


I have not been in touch with you for a while.I welcome the spring thaw in Japan.I am giving service for everyone’s happiness.So I was not a stay-at-home fox…And so this time,I introduce a Tezukuri Kyarabuki by Dainichi Shokuhin what I met at Toukai City 1years ago.




A Kyarabuki was a dish made by boiling stalks of butterbur boiled in soy sauce.Toukai city  Aichi prefecture roduces the largest amount of Japanese butterbur in Japan.a Tezukuri Kyarabuki use that Japanese butterbur.I had a hard time because I interviewed that without rice…


この「手造りきゃら蕗」はまちの駅だいにちにある直売所【ふき街道 漬処 おふくろ庵】で購入することが出来るぞ!ごはんのお供に是非お試ししてみてじゃ^^

You can get a Tezukuri Kyarabuki at Fukikaidou Tsukedokoro Ofukuroan(Machinoeki Dainichi).Let’s eat it with rise!




杉戸宿たまふわミルクセーキ/Sugitojuku Tamafuwa Milk Shake

12月 10th, 2015


1 year will pass since starting this blog.I looked after everyone.This year’s last article is about the “Sugitojuku Tamafuwa Milk Shake” from Saitama prefecture,Sugito town.Do you feel my report skills are getting better?No?oh…;;




This reproduced egg dish“Tamago Fuwafuwa” in a modern style.(It was served to Nikkoureitaishi and noble man when they came Sugitojuku.)And this became gold goma-coated Milk Shake with bubble-egg.


この商品のモチーフとなっている玉子ふわふわは、なんと日本最古のたまご料理といわれていて、茶碗蒸しの原型なのだとか…!当時は五街道や宿場町でたまふわブームが巻き起こっていたらしいぞ^^; しかしネーミングセンスもなかなかすごいの(笑)

“Tamago Fuwafuwa”  is the oldest egg dish in Japan.And it was the origin of Chawan-mushi.It was so popular in five kaido and shukuba city during the Edo period.I think its product naming is so nice…



You can get “Sugitojuku Tamafuwa Milk Shake” at Aguri park Yume Sugito for Saturday, Sunday, and National holiday.When you come there please try it!




志波城産古代米ビスコッティ/Ancient rice Biscotti made in Shiwa castle.

11月 11th, 2015


How are you people?I am neglecting to update this site.But I  don’t goof off on the job.Everything are Tengus fault.This time I introduce an “Ancient rice Biscotti” what I met Shiwa castle festival.Let’s report about it!




This sweets are baked with resembling the Shiwa castle park of recovering fence.And used ancient rice in Shiwa castle.This tastes like Western-style and you can enjoy ancient rice flavor. It has a unique, crunchy texture. Maybe you will become a habit when have this old time taste.



By the way,I became to love  a ancient rice onigiri by an influence of Shiwamaro-kun.I was surprised at an ancient rice.Because it is surpassing white rice in  nutrients.Recently,an ancient rice is noticed as a “future” foods.It’s funny.



“Ancient rice Biscotti” are placing on the Shiwa castle park and Hisopu koubou.Please come to eat!




縄編み機 The nawaamiki (rope stringing machine)

8月 13th, 2015

みなのしゅう、夏は満喫しているかの?この時期、特におまつり狐となる我はあちこち出ずっぱりでの、そんなわけでなかなか更新が出来ていないのだ(決して言い訳ジャナイのだゾ!汗) 。さてさて、今回は埼玉県和光市に立ち寄った際に出会った摩訶不思議な機械を紹介させてもらうとしようかの! Hello,everyone!How is this summer?I would remain appearing outside.Becouse especially for the summer  I become a fox who love the matsuri.So I haven’t been able to update this blog at all lately.(I do not make excuses.Xo)Well,this time I introduce the nawaamiki in Wako city.



It’s wonder, right?This is a machine, called the nawaamiki(rope stringing machine).You know,ropes are coiled by hand the hard way. But the nawaamiki make ropes with the stepping type pedal in a romp.That is difficult if you aren’t used to it.I tried but failed several times.



This great machine was developed in the end of the Meiji Period.And this is still in daily use at shrines for decorations.Once upon a time,my people made rope stringings by hand in the Heian period.But that was a big burden on the work site.So I want to have this take away for Heian people.




福岡県柳川市/Yanagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture

5月 13th, 2015

みんな、しばらくぶりじゃの!元気にしておるか?我はといえば相変わらずなのじゃが、なかなか記事を更新できなくてすまないの>< 今回は先日、東京スカイツリータウンを訪れた際に福岡県柳川市のPRブースで柳川市の魅力をご担当者の方に紹介してもらったので、その見聞録をしたためることにしたぞ。

It’s been ages! How have you been?I am energetic as usual.But I apologize for my delay in reporting.This time I write it about Yanagawa City,Fukuoka Prefecture.Because when I went to Tokyo sky tree on business I got the person in charge to tell me about charms of the Yanagawa City.



Yanagawa is a city located at the southwest part of Fukuoka Prefecture.There are so long water supply and water for agriculture.The total length is about 930 km.So Yanagawa is called “the city of water”.You can go downstream in a japanese ship.”Seiromushi of eel” is a popular dish in Yanagawa.It is the dish made by steaming rice topped with grilled eel on chopped fried egg in a bamboo steamer.The 350000 sunflowers field and Scenic beauties・Tachibanashi Teien is one of the highlights.Hakushu Kitahara was a poet and an author of fairy story.He loved a Yanagawa’s street in the original Japanese landscape.There haven’t changed since 300 years before.So you can walk around with a map in Japan’s Edo era.




How was it?Yanagawa city is only a two-hour flight from Tokyo.There are huge expanses of the extraordinary in the city of water“Yanagawa”.Please come and see yourself.I will visit there soon too (for “Seiromushi of eel…” ).







上田城 The Ueda Castle

1月 1st, 2015






When I visited Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture last year,I happened to run into Yukimura Sanada who belongs to Shinshu-Omotenasi-Bushoutai.

He introduced the Ueda Castle on this movie.







Ueda Castle was built by Sanada Masayuki.

It was this castle that the Sanada defended twice from the Tokugawa, first in 1583 and again in 1600, putting up a very impressive defense both of those times.

The Tokugawa Army led a large force of 38,000, however, when they attacked Ueda Castle in which only 2,000 soldiers holed up, they were soundly defeated by Masayuki SANADA.






In spring,One Thousand Cherry Trees are out there as to fill the space the great castle of Sengoku.I want to visit to Hanami there and see Yukimura Sanada again.

And you shoud not point out my English on that movie.I leave it to your judgment.


村山かてうどん Murayama-Kateudon

12月 10th, 2014





I introduce “Murayama-kateudon” .I met that on the festival in Musashimurayama city,Tokyo.

At first,please watch this movie!







How was that?You think that looks very delicious.

Good udon have a great emphasis on the soup.

And local vegetables accente that’s taste!







Do you know “Kate”?

“Kate” means “daily bread”.So that is peaple’s daily udon.

“Kateudon” is a Musashimuraya’s traditional food that farmers eat to get work’s energy from Edo period.






Red wheat noodle,Seafood soup are used for that.There’s chemistry with juicy pork.

And fresh local vegetables is on that.So the rations can be nutritionally balanced.

It is good synergy between each food material.that is also an all‐purpose food.






This Murayama-Kateudon has been inherited by “Murayamaudonnokai”.

You can enjoy various Murayama-Kateudon at member’s shops.







By the way,I have some kind of connection to Musashimurayama.

It is said there ware a village of Murayamatou(Samurai group) originally.

Murayamatou played an active role in the Genpei War(Heian period).

It is an old tale but I feel a deep kinship with Musashimurayama.






And so this time I introduced Murayama-Kateudon in Musashimurayama city!

If you come here,please stop by and eat that.

I will eat that for giant-killing again.Alright then, later!




トキカケ!風土記とは About Tokikake!Fudoki

12月 7th, 2014





Thank you for looking!

My name is Tukuyomikagurakonotouya.I came from Heian period for some reason.

I will omit to tell my story,becouse that is very complex.I’d like to start to explain about this.






Tokikake!Fudoki is…a publication that I write down with traveling beyond time.

I am doing a perfomer and Tengu slayer to execute a mission given by God.

I will introduce Japanese history or cultures,passed down across Japan while travelling.






For now, I will promote good Japanese cultures with some moves and pictures.

Don’t say,looks like you just eat too much.I refuse to comply about that accusation.






Why did I do something like that?

Becouse I have a circumstances…a mission of telling Japanese culture given by God.

If you like,Please read my original manga「夜神灯-Yagami-」 to know my story.






I came from Heian period but I am a just fox.So there’s lots of things I don’t know.

For fulfilling my mission,I hope to see you again.

By the way,this will be updated non-periodically in the intervals of  a spirit world of bother.


